Vocations faq

Frequently Asked Questions

When were you Founded?

We were founded in 1131 in Coimbra, Portugal by Dom Tello and St. Theotonius.

Learn more about our History

What is the Spirituality of the Order?

Adoration, Contemplation, Expiation and Mission constitutes the Four Fundamental Directions of the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross. The spirituality of the Order is further vivified through a consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Angels; all lived out within community life – rooted in the love of God.

Learn more about our Spirituality

What Religious Rule do you follow?

The Rule of Saint Augustine.

How many Members do you have?

The Order of the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross numbers around 140 members (including Brothers and Priests).

How do you help men discern their vocation?

We introduce interested men to our spirituality and invite them to visit us for a discernment retreat or a time “Come and See” to stay with us and get to know our consecrated life. During this time, they get to know our spirituality and we get to know each other as well. It is very important to us to introduce you to our spirituality so that you grow in your love for Christ and discover if God calls you to this way of life. We are happy to assist you in your discernment with conferences and personal colloquies. We want to help you discern your vocation, be it for religious life and/or the priesthood, in our community or wherever the Lord is calling you to serve Him.

It would be most beneficial, if interested individuals would get to know us through our Opus Angelorum apostolate and attend a retreat and even make the consecration to their Guardian Angel. If this is not the case, we will gladly introduce you to the spirituality, so that you can discern if the Lord calls you to this way of life.

How can I start vocational discernment with you?

You can get in touch with us through our sign up form or by e-mail.

How long does the formation to the priesthood in your Order take?

Usually, it takes around 10 years, from the entrance into the Order up to the priestly ordination.

Do you have consecrated brothers?

Yes! Priests and consecrated Brothers form one community, one family. Inside the community, we call each other “Brother”. Our Brothers are precious, as they give stability to our community life, help priests to be free for their priestly work and contribute to the beauty of the liturgy

How is your formation to the consecrated brotherhood?

Young men who feel called to the consecrated brotherhood undergo the same basic formation (i.e., postulancy and novitiate) as the candidates for the priesthood. They should have a professional formation, though, when they join. If they don’t have this, the Order will make some fitting provisions. After professing their first vows, they are assigned to a religious house of the Order, according to their abilities, receive ongoing formation and help the community.

Do you wear a habit?

As a sign of our consecration, of poverty and of our belonging to our religious family, all Brothers wear the religious habit, be it inside as well as outside the Monastery. We wear a black habit with a belt, and on Sundays and Solemnities, we wear in addition the scapular and the almutia with a blue cross.

Do you celebrate the Tridentine Mass?

The Order celebrates the Novus Ordo Mass. We love Latin and Gregorian Chant. The spirituality of the Order is Eucharistic, and the Holy Angels inspire us with reverence and awe before the Triune God. We love to celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice with solemnity, reverence and interior participation.

Where is the Order located internationally?

The Order is established in Austria (Motherhouse of the restored Order), Italy (Generalate of the Order), Brazil (Formation Houses), Germany, Portugal, Columbia, Mexico, India, the Philippines, and the United States. In sum, 12 Houses throughout 10 countries.

Learn more about our Communities

Where are you located in the US?

St. Gabriel’s Monastery:
164 Apollo Rd. SE
Carrollton, OH 44615
(Diocese of Steubenville)

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What sort of apostolates/ministries do you have?

Preaching is our principal apostolate. We engage in an extensive preaching ministry of directing retreats, missions, and days of recollection. Moreover, we promote devotion to the Holy Angels and guide the spiritual movement Opus Angelorum. We also labor for the sanctification of Priests.

Learn more about our Ministries 

Are you distinct from the Crosier Fathers and the Congregation of the Holy Cross?

Yes; we are distinct from both. The Crosier Fathers (O.S.C.) were founded in 1210 by Blessed Theodore de Celles and companions. The Congregation of the Holy Cross (C.S.C.) was founded in 1837 by Blessed Basil Moreau. 

We, the Order of the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross (O.R.C.), were founded in 1131 by Dom Tello and Saint Theotonius. 

We are not a Congregation; we are a Religious Institute of Pontifical Right. Learn more about our History

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